Well the 2021 Club Weekend turned out to be a big one!

In all there were 36 club members and partners /friends in attendance for a very busy weekend.

Alan and Jen Bevan
David and Judy Bishop
Don and Andrea Brooks
Varuni and Ravin De Silva
Robert and Rachael Dettman
Paula Furlani
David Hein and Marion Kentish
Sue and John Hickey
John and Judith Hodgson
Bernd and Angie Langos
Jeanette McDonald
Peter Murphy
Paul O’Leary
Graeme and Enid Pascoe (friends of Don and Andrea Brooks)
Ross Pollock
Barb and Keith Seidel
David and Christine Shetliffe
David and Marie Smith
Aldo Trissi
Robert Woodward and friend Brian
and Chris and Julie Wright
made up the contingent that journied to the old mining town for the weekend..

Images from the weekend will be added once the Oscars have been held. Covid-19 restrictions have put a dampener on the event scheduled for Saturday 24th July.