Well another Club Weekend away has come and gone. This year, 19 attended the weekend at the Mannum caravan park.

The usual suspects were once again in attendance; the president Robert and Rachel Dettman, Dan and Andrea Brooks (and their guests Graham and Enid Pascoe); Ross and Renee Holmes, Ron and Marie Jackson,Ross Pollock, Mark Ryan Aldo Trissi, Paul O'Leary (and guest David Thompson) and this year Claude and Doreen Mills also made an appearance. Barb and Keith Seidel stayed across the river in a holiday shack so their dog Tawny could attend her first camera club weekend away.

Bill Versteegh and Corliss Gustavsson also made a cameo appearance on the Sunday.

The Seidel residence became party central on the Friday night for the annual port challenge - unfortunately I arrived too late to know what happened. [Presidential edit: I'm happy to fill in the detail Paul. There was a clear majority vote in favour of the 1975 Reynella Vintage Port purchased in 1979 in celebration of the birth of my daughter, Rebecca. We had the thought that it would make an excellent 21st birthday present. Unfortunately, or perhaps the word should be fortunately, Rebecca is almost a teetotaller, which accounts for the survival of that bottle.]

In any event the Friday night party was memorable; particularly due to Tawny's involvement.


The Saturday saw the more intrepid up early to catch the sunrise.

The day saw the club disperse across the countryside, visiting scenes from a bygone era; with a number heading off to Mannum Falls, Sedan and places beyond. Unknown to all there was  ski boat racing at Murray Bridge which offered opportunities to do some fast motion photography.

Saturday night was an opportunity to start to play with light again. David Thompson who has traveled from Melbourne for the last four weekend's away has a passion for night work (in photography that is) and always comes with a few ideas to try out. This time it started with a pre dinner exercise in lighting a derelict building. He was aided and abetted in this exercise by Robert and Paul.

By Day

By Night with lighting


The traditional dinner at the local pub was next, followed by some more shenanigans ont eh river, involving steel wool, sparklers, a dog lead and a pair of waders.Before you get the wrong idea; this was an extension of the light painting practical held at the club early June. A sample of the exercise is below:

A couple of late nighters continued on to take advantage of the trucks parked around Mannum to do a bit of light painting.

An unexpected surprise when we came to Mannum was the announcement that the main street would be closed on the Sunday for a Truck and Ute show; thus explaining the number of trucks hanging around the town providing ample photographic opportunities around town.

Others found other items of interest.

The day ended with a Sunday night BBQ again back at the Seidel residence.

Mannum seen from the Seidel party house.

And that's it for this year